Final Customization

To summarize character generation up until now, you have:

  • Been given baseline Aspect scores based on your race (and PCs for 99 Towers are all human).
  • Picked or generated a Generalization, which gave you +1 to an Aspect, let you pick a Skill (and Specialization), and gave you an Advantage.
  • Picked a Class, which gave you another +1 to an Aspect, +1 to a Combat Value, a set of Skills, weapon and armor Proficiencies, a 1st-level Talent, and money enough to buy a suggested list of starting equipment.

Now it’s time to further customize your starting character using 50 character points. These cannot be saved. You either use them during character generator or they are lost.

Customization Options

You can do the following with your character points:


For 10 points, you can buy a rank in an Aspect. You can only buy one rank in each Aspect. Keep in mind, if you buy a point in an Aspect, a related Combat Value would go up as well.

Combat Values

For 10 points, you can buy a rank in a Combat Value. You can only buy one rank in a specific Combat Value, but you can spend 10 points each on multiple Combat Values if you like.

You may ask “Why would I buy a Combat Value (other than Initiative or Speed) for 10 points when I can buy an Aspect, which also affects things like skills, for the same cost?” The answer is diminishing returns. If you really want to hit harder in melee and buy Hard Strength [HS] up for 10 points, to further increase your hitting power you’re going to have to buy Physical Damage <PX> and pay a premium.


For 5 points, you can buy a rank in a Skill. Again, you can only buy one rank in a specific Skill, but you can spend 5 points each on multiple Skills if you like.


For 5 points, you can buy 2 specializations. They must be from skills you have at least one rank in. You can do this multiple times as well.


You may purchase Advantages for 10 points each. You can purchase multiple ranks in an Advantage, and you can purchase multiple Advantages.


Disadvantages are a little different. For each rank in Disadvantages you take, you gain an additional 5 character points to spend, up to a maximum of 20. You can take as many ranks in Disadvantages as your GM will allow, but you’re only going to get a maximum of 20 points for it.